- 240902每日一题—Maximize the Confusion of an Exam
- 240905每日一题—Happy Students
- 240907每日一题—Find the Maximum Length of a Good Subsequence II
Maximize the Confusion of an Exam
Maximize the Confusion of an Exam
A teacher is writing a test with n true/false questions, with ‘T’ denoting true and ‘F’ denoting false. He wants to confuse the students by maximizing the number of consecutive questions with the same answer (multiple trues or multiple falses in a row).
You are given a string answerKey, where answerKey[i] is the original answer to the ith question. In addition, you are given an integer k, the maximum number of times you may perform the following operation:
Change the answer key for any question to ‘T’ or ‘F’ (i.e., set answerKey[i] to ‘T’ or ‘F’).Return the maximum number of consecutive ‘T’s or ‘F’s in the answer key after performing the operation at most k times.
在指定字符的情况下,可以计算其最大连续数目。使用滑动窗口的方法,从左到右枚举右端点,维护区间中另一种字符的数量为 sum,当 sum 超过 k,我们需要让左端点右移,直到 sum≤k。移动过程中,我们记录滑动窗口的最大长度,即为指定字符的最大连续数目。答案为分别指定字符为 T 和 F 时的最大连续数目的较大值。
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Happy Students
Happy Students
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n where n is the total number of students in the class. The class teacher tries to select a group of students so that all the students remain happy.
The ith student will become happy if one of these two conditions is met:
- The student is selected and the total number of selected students is strictly greater than nums[i].
- The student is not selected and the total number of selected students is strictly less than nums[i].
Return the number of ways to select a group of students so that everyone remains happy.
1 | // author: SilenceZheng66 |
根据题意可知,假设数组 nums 的长度为 n,此时设选中学生人数为 k,此时 k∈[0,n],k 应满足如下:
- 所有满足 nums[i]<k 的学生应被选中;
- 所有满足 nums[i]>k 的学生不应被选中;
- 不能存在 nums[i]=k 的学生;
这意味着在确定当前已择中学生人数的前提下,则此时选择方案是唯一的,为方便判断,我们把 nums 从小到大排序。我们枚举选中的人数 k,由于 nums 已有序,此时最优分组一定是前 k 个学生被选中,剩余的 n−k 个学生不被选中,此时只需要检测选中的 k 个学生中的最大值是否满足小于 k,未被选中的学生中的最小值是否满足大于 k 即可,如果同时满足上述两个条件,则该分配方案可行,最终返回可行的方案计数即可,需要注意处理好边界 0 与 n。
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Find the Maximum Length of a Good Subsequence II
Find the Maximum Length of a Good Subsequence II
You are given an integer array nums and a non-negative integer k. A sequence of integers seq is called good if there are at most k indices i in the range [0, seq.length - 2] such that seq[i] != seq[i + 1].
Return the maximum possible length of a good subsequence of nums.
- 拆分子问题:从seq中取出最后一个,则有两种情况
- 情况一:seq中的前后不等对数量不变,则原问题变成了[0,i]上不超过k的
- 情况二:不等对数量减1,原问题变成了[0,i]上不超过k-1的
- 定义状态
表示最后一个数为i时不超过j的最大长度 - 状态转移:
= Max(遍历0到i-1中和i位置元素相同的j取最大, 遍历[0,i-1][j-1]取最大)
1 | // author: SilenceZheng66 |
nums $[i] \neq n u m s[x]$, 对于此情况, 可以维护一个长度为 $k$ 的辅助数组 $z d$ 。其中 $z d[j]$ 表示枚举到位置 $i$ 之前,有 $j$ 个数字与其在序列中的后一个不相等的最长合法序列的长度,那么可以直接写出转移 $d p[i][j]=z d[j-1]+1$ 。
nums $[i]=n u m s[x]$, 假设有下标 $a<b<c$, 并且 nums $[a]=$ $n u m s[b]=\operatorname{nums}[c]$, 对于 $c$ 来说如果选取由 $a$ 转移过来计算答案, 那么一定不如 $a \rightarrow b \rightarrow c$ 更优, 所以会选取下标最近的相同的数进行转移。针对这种情况, $d p$ 使用哈希表维护能节省一些空间,并且在哈希表中用 $n u m s[i]$ 替换 $i$ 。
在每一次遍历 $i$ 计算完后更新 $z d$ ,最后的 $z d[k]$ 就是答案。
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